"No data with a good schema needs to be justified." - Dr. Marvin Fenderson K.S.C.

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Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge's Taxonomy

SKOS Schema for the Celestial Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge's Taxonomy

XKCD Dataset

Description of the XKCD comic.

Esoteric Datasets

Kabbalastic Tree of Life
Data and identifiers for occult correspondences of the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.
Hebrew Characters
Data for occult correspondences of the Hebrew Alphabet.
The Western Zodiac.
Tarot Cards
URIs, names and properties for a classic set of tarot cards.
Rider Waite Coleman-Smith Tarot Cards
URIs, names and properties for the Rider Waite deck.
Data for various alchemical things.

Games Datasets

You can use the Graphite Game Player to actually play these games, and weep at the inefficency. The player is hosted in the UK, and the data is generated from somewhere in the West Coast of the USA.

Chess modelled in the same way as the Tic-Tac-Toe ontology. Warning does not model the 3-times-repeat rule, but covers all others.
4 in a Row
4 in a Row modelled in the same way as the Tic-Tac-Toe ontology.
Play Tic Tac Toe in RDF. To play, load the empty board state in the RDF browser and then just pick a move and click the red URI to the right of 'newState'. Or implement your own interface using our handy ontology. There's less than 20,000 game states so maybe you should just load it into your SPARQL endpoint.
Playing Cards
URIs, names and properties for a classic set of playing cards.
Game Ontology
Ontology to describe certain types of stateful game.

Perverse Datasets

Steve Harris is one of the founders of Back in the 1990's, people online kept thinking he was the Steve Harris from Iron Maiden. Steve went on to become one of the world experts in the semantic web, and can now state clearly that he is not the Steve Harris from Iron Maiden.

The following dataset clearly states that he is the Harris from Maiden, just to add a bit more challenge to his quest to be not bugged by confused metal fans.
Name Equivilence Theory Ontology
Identity Protection
Ontology to protect the secret identity of the Batman.
Ted Nelson's Zig-Zag zzStructure modelled in RDF. Note that this is subject to several patents so may not actually be legal to create a "foo a zz:Node" triple. What a world.
Industrial Bands Database
A huge database of many of the world's obscure industrial bands. This was compiled around 2000 so is missing some newer bands.
Causes of Cancer
The Daily Mail has put a huge amount of effort in instructing the UK public about what causes and prevents cancer. Here we have marked up the causes and preventions where possible linking to a valid dbpedia URI. Also includes references to the relevant news stories.
Eternal Dave Data
Not everyone knows it, but most people named Dave or David are really all the same person. This RDF document asserts this clearly.
Name Equivilence Theory Ontology
An extension of the Eternal Dave theory, the name equivilence theory is that all things of the same name or title are clearly the same thing. This simple OWL ontology asserts this for your convenience in coping with the semantic web.
Poo Nuts
According to Ben Quextal's son, everything is just Poo Nuts.